Event API

The Event API is in beta. Please contact us if you want to use it.


  • Test: https://teventapi.logisticstechnology.no
  • Production: https://eventapi.logisticstechnology.no


Http methodRelative pathMethod description
POST /v1/Event Adds an event regarding shipments or parcels
GET /v1/Event/ByParcelNo/{parcelNo} Get events using a parcel number and time period
GET /v1/Event/ByShipmentNo/{shipmentNo} Get events using a shipment number and time period
GET /v1/EventTypes Get event types
GET /v1/EventValueTypes Get event value types
GET /v1/Webhooks Gets all webhooks registered by the authenticated user
POST /v1/Webhooks Create a new webhook
GET /v1/Webhooks/{webhookId} Get webhook by Uuid
DELETE /v1/Webhooks/{webhookId} Delete webhook by Uuid
POST /v1/Webhooks/{webhookId}/Test Call a webhook using a test event. The event will not get stored or be retrievable through the EventAPI.