PickupPoint API


  • Test: https://tpickuppointapi.logisticstechnology.no
  • Production: https://pickuppointapi.logisticstechnology.no


Http methodRelative pathMethod description
GET /v1/PickupPoint/{countryCode}/all Gets all active pickuppoints for a given country (NO, SE) etc.
GET /v1/PickupPoint/{countryCode}/id/{id} Gets a pickuppoint by ID and countrycode
GET /v1/PickupPoint/{countryCode}/location/{latitude},{longitude} Gets the closest pickuppoint given countrycode, latitude and longitude
GET /v1/PickupPoint/{countryCode}/postalCode/{postalCode} Gets all active pickuppoints within the given zip code and countrycode
GET /v1/PickupPoint/{countryCode}/postalCode/{postalCode}/default Gets the default pickuppoint within a zip code
GET /v1/PickupPoint/address/ Gets the closest pickuppoints by address